

Since working with you my life has changed dramatically. I am no longer a victim of my own thoughts, I have experienced HUGE success (both job and financial success) and I now know how to manage everything whenever I go through hardship. I am much more of a stronger person, I am not so anxious anymore and I have developed mechanisms to control my anxiety. I have a huge sense of focus and direction and my life has changed incredibly since working with you!

Breathwork with Zoran is absolutely life changing and can significantly speed up the process of personal success. It is great to get to the bottom of personal issues and by doing so, feel much more motivated, stress free and happy!

JP - Holistic Fitness Coach

Before I started seeing Zoran, I was experiencing what I can only describe as a "block" that was stopping me from getting where I wanted in life. I wanted deeper more meaningful connections and I wanted to progress and grow in a new direction.

Since working with Zoran, I've uncovered the reasons why I was feeling "stuck" and what was blocking me from moving forward in my life.With Zoran’s multi disciplined approach, he was also able to help me understand these realisations in myself and plan steps to overcome them. 

 Now, I am far more aligned to what I want and have made massive progress in my life since working with Zoran.

 This is not a self help programme, it is about learning what's stopping you from overcoming challenges to achieve and become the person you want to be and it's certainly not about having something wrong with you, it is about figuring out what you want and overcoming any obstacles within yourself to live the life you were born too.

Gus - Founder of Wisemoves

For many years I struggled to find work life balance. I’d find myself hiding in my work and neglecting my emotional life. I had bouts of overwhelming depression and anxiety that seemed to come for no reason and would last for days. I also had difficulty staying communicating my needs in my intimate relationships. When things got tough I’d bail.

Since doing breathwork I have a good understanding of my emotions and what triggers anger and grief in myself. Emotions are no longer overwhelming.  This has allowed me to stay in a relationship and even live together with my partner. I’m more confident in my purpose and my work is much more fulfilling. 

Zoran is so dedicated and committed to helping his clients evolve through their limiting patterns and belief structures. I have had many councillors and done all sorts of therapies and none come close to the depth that the breath work achieves. Considering that these patterns we’ve changed during the course of my breathwork have been with me for a lifetime, the changes I’ve seen have been very fast.

If you struggle with any mental/emotional conflict, overwhelming emotions, stress or any other life challenges the commitment to breath work is worth every penny.

Edwin, Software Developer

I first went to see Zoran because I was dealing with a lot of deep trauma and stress in my life that I had no idea how to handle. At the time I feel depressed, anxious, and constantly angry at myself without knowing why.

Upon meeting him the first time, I sensed that I could trust him. And that He could hold a safe space for me so I could be my authentic self.

Right after the first session of rebirthing breathwork, my whole world completely changed. Zoran helped me to release extremely intense emotions and assisted me in facing my deepest fear that I'm not enough.

Fast forward two years later, he continues to help me transform various areas of my life. And I'm forever grateful that I made the decision to work with him.

Flo Kaminska, Global Director of Human Resources, Buongiorno    

 I started my phone coaching sessions in April 2010 with Zoran. Initially based on professional objectives, Zoran supported me in quickly identifying some personal characteristics and drivers, which enabled or hindered my personal effectiveness as a whole and impacted my leadership and well being.

With 1 hour session per week over a period of 18 months, we developed an ongoing dialogue and self awareness journey sustained with regularity over time, which I believe is key to the results achieved. There is no quick fix or magic wand, Zoran coaching techniques, empathy but challenging approach, supported me in tackling some sensitive topics which, unknowingly, were impacting both the personal and professional sphere.

Zoran has a natural gift for developing relationships and building trust, both qualities being essential to create a safe environment for exposing oneself and get the most out of coaching’.

Stacey Haywood - Spiritual Counsellor

Zoran’s breathwork has been a cathartic godsend for me. I had all these big emotions I didn’t know what to do with.  He intuitively and compassionately guided me into the scary places inside me and to express what I had bottled up there. I feel lighter and more at peace. Sessions have been a wild ride, always ending up in clarity and insights.  Zoran brings years of experience and a great sense of humour to his sessions. I will always be truly grateful to him.  Highly recommend.

Workshop participant comments

- Excellent tips. Brilliant presenter.

- Applicable. Developing and engaging.

- Zoran was very thorough, great examples, very engaging in discussions and explained modules clearly. His passion for coaching and delivering was very evident and all his experience. Great course for Leaders - Highly recommend it!

- The course was very engaging and the information was interesting, relevant and useful. Zoran was an AMAZING facilitator. He was very invested in the learning outcomes and development of all students. He facilitated great discussion and was very supportive. Thank you very much!